What's New

8/26/00 10:00:15 AM

Added pictures of two 18th/19th century seal stamps with Gyllenhaal coats of arms to the Gyllenhaal Coats of Arms page.

8/19/00 2:51:52 PM

Added a Links page, and submitted the site for membership in the Nordic-American Web Ring.

8/19/00 2:39:39 PM

Added a number of old photographs from Sweden to the Sources page. The arrangements for scanning these photos were made by Carl-Gunnar von Delwig, of Habo, Sweden. Carl-Gunnar is the webmaster's third cousin, being descended from Anna Maria Lovisa Gyllenhaal (1845-1909), Anders Leonard Gyllenhaal's sister. These photos fill an important gap in the photo archives of the Gyllenhaal Family Tree Project.

7/12/00 1:54:52 PM

Today our Web site was given the "Links2Go 'Swedish Genealogy' Award." According to the e-mail notice, "Out of 24 pages selected as Key Resources for the Swedish Genealogy topic, your page ranked 14th." I don't think this particular award will catch on. For one thing, the colors on their award icon seem to have been designed to offend the sensibilities of any reasonable Web designer. Can you imagine a color scheme that the icon below would NOT clash with? I can't see many people putting it on their Web pages, except maybe in the "What's New" section ;-)

That having been said, if you click on the icon below you will find some useful links for Swedish genealogy.

Key Resource
Swedish Genealogy

7/10/00 9:13:38 PM

The new Gyllenhaal Family Tree Project Web site officially opens today. The old site has been closed down, and the old articles have been reformatted and improved before being moved to the new site. Most of the pictures have been rescanned and various corrections and additions have been made. In particular, the Gyllenhaal Coats of Arms page has been expanded with many new pictures added, the Nils Gunnesson Gyllenhaal page has been turned into a full-length article, and a little article has been added on The Leonard Medal. There is also a new article called Charles Pendleton Gyllenhaal: The War Years (CPG was the webmaster's Dad).

Copyright © 1999-2000 The Gyllenhaal Family Tree Project
E-Mail: ed@gyllenhaal.org